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Last update : 04/09/2008     




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  Main publications and conferences


PhDs and master thesis

Rucart, P., 2006, "Morphologie gabaritique et interface phonosyntaxique", thèse, Sciences du Langage, Paris 7 - Denis Diderot, Paris, 340 p.


Rucart, P., 2000, "Aspects de la morphologie verbale en afar", mémoire de D.E.A., Sciences du Langage, Paris 7 - Denis Diderot, Paris, 175 p.


Rucart, P., 1999, "Aspects du focus en français", mémoire de maïtrise, Sciences du Langage, Paris 7 - Denis Diderot, Paris, 60 p.

Conferences with proceedings

Rucart, P., 2007, "Prefix Verbs in Cushitic are not Exception"Proceedings of the Summer School on the Method of Lexical Exceptions, St Andrews, Scotland, UK, septembre 2007, Beedham, C. (ed)


Rucart, P., 2006, "Templates from syntax to morphology: affix ordering in Qafar"International Speech Communication Association Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, University of Athens, Greece, 28-30 août 2006, Botinis, A. (ed), ISCA and the University of Athens, pp. 213-216, 960-6608-57-3


Rucart, P., 2001, "The vocalism of strong verbs in Afar"Berkeley Linguistics Society: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Special session on Afroasiatic languages, University of California, Berkeley, 22-25 mars 2001, Simpson, A. (ed), Berkeley Linguistics Society, n°27spe, 2001, pp. 99-108, 0363-2946


Rucart, P., 2001, "Le vocalisme des verbes forts en Afar"6ème Rencontres de l'Atelier des Doctorants en Linguistique, Paris 7, 2-3 avril 2001, Aïm, Gerdes & Yoo, P. (ed), Université Paris 7, pp. 131-136

Conference presentations

Rucart, P., 2009, "Verbal Classes in Cushitic", Verb Typologies Revisited: A Cross-linguistic Reflection on Verbs and Verb Classes, Ghent University, Belgium, 5-7 février 2009


Rucart, P., 2008, "Phonological Interpretation of Syntactic Heads: Affix Ordering in Qafar", Berkeley Workshop on Affix Ordering, University of California, Berkeley, 4-5 octobre 2008


Rucart, P., 2008, "Templatic Structures and Affix Ordering: an Interface between Phonology and Syntax", 13th International Morphology - Workshop on Affix Ordering in Typologically Different Languages: Approaches, Problems and Perspectives, Vienna, Austria, 3-4 février 2008


Rucart, P., 2008, "Templates as Phonology-Syntax Interface", Descriptive and Explanatory Adequacy in Linguistics II - Workshop on Interface theories: the filtering of the output of the generator, Leiden University Center for Linguistics, the Netherlands, 22-23 février 2008


Rucart, P., 2008, "Verbal Morphology of Bedja", 39th American Conference on African Languages, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 17-20 avril 2008

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