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Guérois, R., 2008, ""Identidade e memória sertanejas na arte de Juraci Dórea."", proc. of XI Congresso Internacional da ABRALIC, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), 13-17 juillet 2008


Paire-Ficout, L., Bedoin, N., Magnan, A. & Ecalle, J., Brun, I., 2001, ""Lipreadability" and syllable structure complexity in deaf and hearing children: Effects in reading and writing tasks", proc. of 12th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP 12), Edinburgh, Scotland, 2001, September (abstract)


Marsico, E., Hombert, J.M., 2000, "(Re)evaluating the implicit assumptions behind historical linguistics methods", proc. of Conference on Long-range Comparison, Moscou, Russie, Mai-Juin  (pdf)


Pivot, B., 2011, "¿Qué didáctica para una lengua tesoro? El caso de la revitalización de la lengua rama de Nicaragua.", proc. of Symposium on Teaching and Learning Indigenous Languages of Latin America, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA, 30 octobre au 2 novembre 2011  (http://kellogg.nd.edu/STLILLA/proceedings/pivot_benedicte.pdf)


Akinci, M.A., 2012, "‘Ben zaten Türkçe biliyorum, Türkçe derslerine niye gideyim ki?’: Fransa’da Türkçenin öğretilmesinde son durum » [‘Je connais déjà le turc, pourquoi devrais-je aller au cours de turc ?’ Situation de l’enseignement du turc en France]", proc. of World Turkic Forum. “Turkic Council, Turkic Diaspora and Socio-Economic Cooperation", Istanbul, 20-22 octobre 2010, Isina, A. (ed), TASAM yayınları, , pp. 361-376, Türk Dünyası Serisi 1

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