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Abakarova, D., Fuchs, S. & Noiray, A., 2022, "Linking differences in phonological representations and coarticulation degree: a modelling approach.", proc. of Speech Motor Control, Groningen, 24-27. 08 (abstract) (poster)


Anselme, R., Pellegrino, F., Dediu, D., 2022, "R you sure that your /R/ is trilled ? A methodological caveat", proc. of The evolution of language: Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE), Kanazawa, Japan, 06/09/2022, Ravignani, R., Asano, R., Valente, D., Ferretti, F., Hartmann, S., Hayashi, M., Jadoul, Y., Martins, M., Oseki, Y., Rodrigues, E., Vasileva, O. & Wacewicz, S. (eds), Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE) (abstract) (HAL)


Krüger, S., Noiray, A., 2022, "Adult and child listeners are sensitive to coarticulation dynamics: Insights from pupillometry and reaction times. ", proc. of Speech Motor Control, Groningen, 24-27. 08 (eds) (abstract) (poster)


Leloup, Launay, Witko, G., 2022 , "Terminologie de diagnostic des Recommandations de Bonne Pratique d’Évaluation, de Prévention et de Remédiation des troubles du langage écrit chez l’enfant et l’adulte. Justifications et discussions.", actes de Actualités du langage écrit, XXIIèmes Rencontres Internationales Unadreo, Visioconférence, 1 & 2 décembre 2022, OrthoEdition, G. (eds), OrthoEdition/1, pp. 341-366., 978-2-36235-146-4


Popescu, A., Rubertus, E., Noiray, A., 2022, "Differences in reading proficiency correlate with variations in vowel duration and dynamics. ", proc. of Speech Motor Control Conference, Groningen, 24-27. 08 (eds) (abstract) (poster)


Rebernik, T., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., Wieling, M., 2022, "Investigating feedback and feedforward control during vowel production by Dutch adult speakers: insights from auditory feedback perturbation tasks", proc. of Speech Motor Control, Groningen, 24-27. 08 (eds) (abstract) (poster)


Rebernik, T., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., Wieling, M., 2022, "The effect of masking noise on oral cancer speech acoustics and kinematics", proc. of Speech Motor Control, Groningen, 24-27. 08 (eds) (abstract) (poster)


Rubertus, E., Popescu, A., Noiray, A., 2022, "Subtle reading disfluencies in children are reflected in vowel anticipation", proc. of Speech Motor Control, Groningen, 24-27. 08 (eds) (abstract)

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