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Lyon Summer School 2008 - Mayan Course

Bibliography/Reading Material for
"Topics in Amerindian (Mayan) Languages"
C. Grinevald and M.Peake

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Bibliography for the Course (course outline and recommended reading materials)
 Items marked * are highly recommended and those marked *** should be read for class.

Week 1
Day 1 (Monday 23rd June)
Introduction to the Mayan Family, Sociolinguistics, CIESAS/OKMA
Day 2 (Tuesday 24th June)
Typological characteristics: phonology, practical alphabets, morphology (roots) verb valency (ergativity), noun classification, word order and hierarchies
Day 3 (Wednesday 25th June)
Roots, derivation (Guest Lecturer: Valentina Vapnarksy CNRS-EREA)
Day 4 (Thursday 26th June)
Person Markers, Ergativity
Week 2

Day 5 (Monday 30th June)
Voices: passives, antipassives, applicatives
Day 6 (Tuesday 1st July)
Complex Sentences: Complementation, relativisation (agentive voice)
Day 7 (Wednesday 2nd July)
Nominal classification (noun classifiers: Q’anjob’al, numeral classifiers:
Tseltal, possessive classifiers: Yucatec)

Day 8 (Thursday 3rd July)
Expression of Space: relational nouns, positionals, directionals

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